Week 1: Breakdancing (is fun)

So as much as I knew this was going to be funny, I did not film my first day of learning how to breakdance. In my apartment, watching youtube videos. Because I’m definitely not confident enough to go to a class. Yet.

There are really a decent amount of learn-to-breakdance videos on the internet, I found this guy Vincani (http://www.youtube.com/user/VincaniTV) that I liked the most. Very clear playlists for different levels that go step by step, clear instruction. I did have to go back and watch his breakdowns over and over. Aside from a million beginner, intermediate, and advanced breakdance instruction videos, there’s also other forms of dance, martial arts, beat boxing, and other tutorials. You know, for when I’m basically a professional breakdancer and it’s time to learn more things.

I wrote down some of what I said out loud (in my one bedroom apartment by myself):
“but wait-”
“what?! how is he staying in one place!?”
*sustained, pitiful laughter*
“oh wow…bandhas”

By the third video, I’ve decided Vincani and I are friends and I’ve begun addressing him directly:
“oh really, Vincani, just like that”
“can you do it slow again?”
“where is your left foot!?!”
“it’s not that easy, man”

I asked the internet about breakdancing. It originated in 1970’s NYC. Pioneers site James Brown and Bruce Lee movies as sources of inspiration…it’s very clear that there are also gymnastic elements, and I’ve been able to see obvious elements of yoga in some of the moves where they hold (don’t worry, I’ll eventually do a post on this specifically). Oh- and people who breakdance apparently don’t call it breakdancing. It’s bboying or breaking. The internet is clear about this.

“B-boy… that’s what it is, that’s why when the public changed it to ‘break-dancing’ they were just giving a professional name to it, but b-boy was the original name for it and whoever wants to keep it real would keep calling it b-boy.” -Santiago “Jo Jo” Torres


There are four basic moves: toprock, downrock, power moves, and freezes. So basically, I can do two moves (I’m not implying I can do them “well”) called “6-step” and “CC”. Quite unsure, but those two must be toprock or downrock because I definitely wouldn’t say my beginner footwork is a power move.

I think it speaks to how “cool” I am (not) that my breaking research started on Wikipedia, and ended up listening to an episode of All Things Considered on NPR’s website, “The Return of Breakdancing” (this title shows how uncool NPR is, too). You can find it here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1144040

While it is physically demanding, I think that, like yoga, it’s really accessible. I learned the moves quickly even though I’m highly uncoordinated…it will just take a lot of practice for me to get faster and cleaner!

If you’d like to follow along, here’s the videos I learned today:

drinking more water? yes!
FIRST TRAIL RACE OF THE SEASON: THIS SATURDAY 5/4 Greenland 8 mile. I was unsure if I’m ready to race yet after a snowboarding injury kept me off training for several weeks…but here we go!
*Almost* done with Slaughterhouse Five to meet my one book a week goal. Also going to tackle Walden this week.
This week or next: first sewing project, BOLSTER for restorative yoga in my own house!!
Biked 80 miles over the week commuting. Just need to get out on a day trip to get consecutive miles in.
Must improve getting up ten minutes early to do yoga in the morning before I leave to bike to class…this didn’t even happen once.

Week 1: Ashtanga (is hard), Running (which I’m crushing), Slaughterhouse Five (is awesome)

Welcome to my first update, internet and friends! Since I started on Monday, I think it’s safe to say that the bit of progress I made is a win.

So I ran 5 (road) miles on Monday and it was so, so boring (I road run to support my trail running habit). But then, I had a big breakthrough. In the form of a flat tire, which I got on my bike on my way home on Monday night. This meant I had to run to my 8am class on Tuesday morning, which is 3 miles up to the Highlands (soooo muuuch uuuphiiillll). Important discovery: when you run to work, once you leave you have to keep truckin’ and maintain a good pace or else you’re not going to be on time. Then you get a break, then bam! Only half the run to go and you’ve got to do it in order to get home. I love this new method of running, I think it’s going to be very successful for increasing my road mileage when I can’t get on the trails.  I’m also planning my next attempt on Pike’s Peak, hopefully in the next week or two.


really cool picture of my foot. Because I guess it proves that I was running? Got my running shoes on…


My book this week is Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut).  I’ve read it before but it’s been a while, I’m a big Vonnegut fan.  I’ve made a dent in it, I’ve been listening to Into the Wild on audible before I go to bed instead of regular reading, so now that I finished that yesterday I can get back to real life books!


I also managed to do Ashtanga Primary Series on Monday and Tuesday. What I learned: it’s been a while since I’ve committed to primary series, and that shit is hard. I had kind of forgotten what it feels like to practice with discipline. It’s going to be crazy good for me, but the first time was a struggle. I knew it was going to be, so I filmed it. It starts off great, then quickly deteriorates.  Here are the picture highlights (you’re welcome):

ashtanga 1 montage

Then, after a lot of confusion and humility:

Coming up on Saturday:  breakdancing?  sewing?  am I drinking enough water?!


DO EPIC SHIT: goal setting

So I’ve been meaning to get my shit together and be a little more disciplined, but that’s hard and I’ve been failing a lot lately. Particularly since a few of these were new year’s resolutions…for last year. Once (upon a time) when I got peer pressured to do something called the TOTAL BODY CHALLENGE I had to blog every single day about how well I followed the rules. It was grueling but it seriously kept me on track. The thing about being awesome is, if you’re having trouble being motivated, the idea of having to tell the internet about how successful (or NOT successful) you were makes an important difference.

That’s the story of how I started writing this blog. Just now.

Here’s the part where I talk about what I want to do with my life that I have to stay accountable for: My goals are going to be highly overzealous, as good goals should be. Then I’m going to stick with it. Apparently. Because I have to tell you about it, internet.

1. Learn to breakdance. I like that this is implied to be my number one goal.
2. Ashtanga Primary Series-5 days a week (oof, that one’s a doozy)(I’m totally doing it. Thanks for the support, internet!)
3. 20 fourteeners
4. Drink more water
5. Do 10 minutes of yoga first and last thing of the day, no matter when you do your 60 of ashtanga
6. Walk Luna 20 minutes at the very least every single day
7. Sew some stuff. Maybe lots of stuff. Yeah…like curtains and clothes and stuff.
8. Get out of debt, then save a bunch of money.
9. Peak to Peak Highway and Lookout Mountain
10. Leadville Heavy Half and at least one more trail race. The implication is, I have to then train. :/
11. Stop eating cookie dough
12. Read a whole book every week

Do you have twelve ambitious goals to work on? Maybe we can do this together! I’ll be here every M/W/Sa posting on my awesome progress.

Here’s me and my multi tool. Ready for action.
